What is a Thyroid Test?

 Thyroid hormones produced by thyroid glands control almost every organ in your body. The thyroid produces two hormones, i.e., triiodothyronine, known as T3, and thyroxine, known as T4. 

These hormones control body temperature, metabolism as well as heart rate. Having the right levels of this hormone is crucial for effective bodily functions. If the hormone levels are low, the body functions slow down and speed up if the levels are high. 

You may also be asked to get the TSH, i.e., Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Test done. TSH produced by the pituitary gland in your brain instructs the thyroid glands about the amount of thyroid hormones to be produced. If the test result shows high levels of TSH, it means low levels of thyroid hormones in your blood and vice versa. 

If you are experiencing any symptoms relating to either high or low levels of thyroid hormones, you should consult a doctor and get a thyroid check up done. If the test results indicate abnormal levels, further tests may be required to identify the underlying cause.

What are the Different Types of Thyroid Tests?

Thyroid blood tests are done to measure the level of various thyroid hormones or antibodies. Abnormal levels indicate that you have a thyroid issue. The different types of thyroid blood tests done are:

TSH Test: Thyroid Stimulating Hormones produced by pituitary glands in the brain stimulate thyroid glands to produce the T3 and T4 hormones.

T3 Test: This test indicates the level of triiodothyronine hormones in your blood

T4 Test: This test indicates the level of thyroxine hormones in your blood.

Thyroid Antibodies Test: This indicates the presence or absence of thyroid antibodies. The presence of thyroid antibodies indicates that you have either Grave’s Disease or Hashimoto’s Disease, which are autoimmune disorders.

When Should a Thyroid Test be Done?

When you are experiencing symptoms of hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, as mentioned below, a thyroid blood test has to be done. 

1. Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism

Irregular heartbeats

Irritability and nervousness

Weight loss


Frequent bowel movements

Goiter(thyroid enlargement)

Muscle weakness

Shivering hands

2. Symptoms of Hypothyroidism

Weight Gain

Sensitivity to cold

Joint and muscle pain

Hair fall and dry hair

Irregular periods or heavy menstrual flow



Do You Have to Fast Before a Thyroid Test?

There is no special preparation required for a thyroid test. Your healthcare provider will tell you if you will have to fast before the test. Generally, if other blood tests are prescribed along with the thyroid test, your healthcare provider may ask you to fast for hours before the test.

Disrupted thyroid levels can hamper your day-to-day activities. A thyroid test will detect if you have low or high levels of thyroid hormones. If you are on medications for any existing health condition or if you are pregnant, you should disclose the same to your lab technician before the blood sample is taken. Certain medications and being pregnant may influence the test results.


A thyroid test is conducted to measure the level of thyroid hormones. The right levels of thyroid hormones produced by thyroid glands are necessary for optimal functioning of your body. These hormones regulate your body functions, including metabolism, heart rate, body weight, temperature, energy production, muscle strength, etc. 

When the levels of these hormones are disrupted, you are likely to experience certain symptoms. You should immediately consult a doctor and get the thyroid checkup done if recommended. 

If the test results indicate abnormal levels, further tests will be suggested to ascertain the underlying cause for appropriate treatment. Managing the levels of thyroid hormones is crucial for overall well-being. 


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