Computer Shortcut Keys for MS Excel If you’re new to MS Excel, it can be tough to remember all the keyboard shortcuts. Below is a handy table of all the shortcut keys for MS Excel.

 Shortcuts Uses of Shortcut Keys

Ctrl + C

It is used to copy selected cells.

Ctrl + V

It is used to paste select cells.

Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Keys

It selects multiple cells.


This edit the selected cell.

F4 This repeats the last action.

F5 it is used to go to a specific cell.

F7 It is used for Spell check on selected text and/or documents.

F11 Created Chart.

Ctrl + Shift + ; It entered the current time.

Ctrl + ; This entered the current date.

Alt + Shift + F1 It inserts a new worksheet.

Shift + F3 This opens the Excel formula window.

Shift + F5 Bring up the search box.

Ctrl + B It is used for bold highlighted selections.

Ctrl + I It is used for italicizing highlighted selections.

Ctrl + D Fill

Ctrl + K It is used to insert Links.

Ctrl + F / Ctrl + H Used for open find and replace options.

Ctrl + G Used to open go-to options.

Ctrl + U It is used to underline highlighted selections.

Ctrl + Y It is used to underline selected text.

Ctrl + 5 Used to strikethrough highlighted selection.

Ctrl + O It is used to open Options.

Ctrl + N This opens a new document.

Ctrl + F9 It minimizes the current window.

Ctrl + F10 It maximizes the currently selected window.

Ctrl + P It opens the print dialogue box.

Ctrl + Z This undoes the last action.

Ctrl + F6 It switches between open workbooks/windows.

Ctrl + It is used to insert the value of the above cell into the current cell.

Ctrl + Page up & Page Down It moves between Excel sheets.

Ctrl + Shift + $ This format number is in currency format.

Alt + = Used to create the formula to sum all of the above cells.

Ctrl + Tab It is used to move between two or more open Excel files.

Ctrl + Shift + ! Used to format numbers in comma format.

Ctrl + Shift + % This is used to format numbers in a percentage format.

Ctrl + Shift + ^ This is used to format numbers in scientific format.

Ctrl + Shift + # This shortcut is used to format numbers in date format.

Ctrl + W Close document.

Ctrl + Space This is used to select the entire column.

Ctrl + Shift + @ This format number is in time format.

Ctrl + Right arrow It moves to the next section of the text.

Shift + Space It selects the entire row.


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