Computer Shortcut Keys for YouTube Here are some commonly used YouTube shortcuts keys:

 Shortcut Key Uses of Shortcut Keys

Space Play/Pause

K Play/Pause

J Rewind 10 seconds

L Fast forward 10 seconds

Left Arrow Rewind 5 seconds

Right Arrow Fast forward 5 seconds

Up Arrow Increase volume

Down Arrow Decrease volume

M Mute/unmute

F Enter/Exit fullscreen

C Toggle captions/subtitles

0-9 Seek to 0-90% of the video

Home Go to the beginning

End Go to the end

/ Search within the video

N Next video in playlist

P Previous video in playlist

+/= Increase playback speed

– Decrease playback speed

Shift + > Increase playback speed (by 10%)

Shift + < Decrease playback speed (by 10%)

Computer Shortcut Keys – FAQs

1. How can shortcut keys improve my productivity?

Shortcut keys allow you to perform actions quickly without the need to navigate through manually, saving time and effort.

2. Can I create custom shortcut keys?

Some applications allow users to customize shortcut keys. Check the settings or preferences section of the application you’re using to explore this possibility.

3. What is the use of Ctrl + F9?

Ctrl + F9 is a shortcut computer key to minimise the current window.

4. What is the shortcut to Closing a window in the program?

Press Ctrl + F4 to close the window in the program.


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