Computer Shortcuts Keys for Special Characters Here are some commonly used computer shortcut keys used for Special Characters:


Uses of Shortcut Keys

Alt + 0224 / Alt + 133


Alt + 0232 / Alt + 138


Alt + 0236 / Alt + 141


Alt + 0242 / Alt + 149


Alt + 0241 ñ

Alt + 0228 / Alt + 132 ä

Alt + 0246 / Alt + 148 ö

Alt + 0252 / Alt + 154 ü

Alt+0248 ø

Alt + 0191 ¿

Alt + 0231 ç

Alt + 0198 / Alt + 146 Æ

Alt + 0223 ß

Alt + 0153 ™

Alt + 0177 / Alt + 241 ± (plus/minus symbol)

Alt + 0174 ®

Alt + 0176 / Alt + 248 ° (degree symbol)

Alt + 0169 ©

Alt + 0128 €(Euro currency)

Alt + 0162 ¢(Cent symbol)

Alt + 0163 £(British Pound currency)

Alt + 0165 ¥(Japanese Yen currency)

Alt+1 ☺

Alt + 16 ►

Alt + 17 ◄

Alt + 171 ½ (Vulgar fraction one half)

Alt + 172 ¼ (Vulgar fraction one fourth)

Alt + 224 α(Alpha)

Alt + 225 ß

Alt + 226 Γ(gamma)

Alt + 227 π(Pie Sign)

Alt+228 Σ(Sigma Sign)

Alt + 239 ∩(Intersection Sign)

Alt + 35 #

Alt + 36 $(Dollar sign)

Alt + 37 %(Percentage sign)

Alt + 242 ≥(Greater than or equal to sign)

Alt + 243 ≤(Less than or equal to sign)

Alt + 247 ≈(Almost equal to sign)


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